Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Mara Pavatich

Coming Soon...

Mara Pavatich

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Sharing a Moment With You

Mara Pavatich

After completing my studies in Milan in 2006, I returned to Trieste, my city. Here, I rediscovered myself, finding the peace and concentration that allow me to create my line, my collections.

The ruggedness of the Karst region, the sea, the cosmopolitan city, as well as the ever-changing and lush nature in such a small territory, color my imagination. It's a city full of contrasts, culture, languages spoken, influences, commerce, and in the air, a constant scent of roasted coffee.

I love to stay a bit aside, behind the scenes observing and seeking input. Searching for something that I still lack.

I love to travel, to wander through woods and mountains, enveloping myself in nature. I try to incorporate a bit of all this into my collections. Beauty is a combination of ingredients.

